
Details for Define Workshop

1) Controlled Chaos: Ways to organise and find patterns/insights in your interview data
2) Puzzle Piecing: Weaving all the observations into a Problem Statement
3) Making Something Out of Nothing: how will what i design or make solve users' needs, and how do i stay on track?


26 October 2022, Wednesday

8pm - 9.30pm SGT

Conducted on Zoom


Jiayan Ho

Tech For She Mentor

• Mentored small groups of learners who wish to break into UX
• Prepared and vetted content to be used for their learning
• Facilitated group projects


Free of charge :)

Frequently Asked Questions
How will the workshop be conducted?

The workshop will be conducted via a mix of lectures, activities and sharing to allow more interactivity with the trainers and participants.

Do I have to download Figma?

All participants required to have a Figma account for the worksop and encouraged to have Figma desktop installed for an optimal workshop experience.